It’s official! The Real American Hardwood™ campaign has launched! As an industry member of one of the Real American Hardwood Coalition (RAHC) funding associations, your company is now eligible to use the Real American Hardwood logo on products, printed promotional materials, and social media. And we strongly encourage you to do so!

By including the Real American Hardwood logo on your lumber, manufactured goods, trucks, websites, marketing materials, and business cards, you can help spread the word and raise awareness of Naturally Authentic™ American Hardwood merchandise! Explore how your company can participate at, the website built especially for you, your company, and your employees. The website provides everything you need, including downloadable logo files and guidelines for use. Visit to access all the resources.

Thanks to the hard work and financial support of more than 25 industry associations, we have completed our consumer research and built the primary infrastructure to engage the hardwood industry in working to raise awareness of our amazing hardwood finished goods…from raw materials to industrial products to the finished goods used to furnish American homes.

 We are now preparing to move on to the next phase of our implementation plan – the development of a consumer-oriented website that will promote the Naturally Authentic attributes of hardwood products, direct consumers on where to find them, and explain how their intentional choice of sustainable hardwood products will contribute to a naturally healthy home. An extensive media relations campaign, influencer partnerships and in-store promotions at leading big box stores will follow!

Time is of the essence and the success of our campaign will be driven largely by the level of support we can create. That takes money! You can help accelerate our progress by providing your voluntary financial support at

We look forward to seeing the Real American Hardwood logo popping up across the country, promoting the Naturally Authentic beauty and benefits of Real American Hardwood products!

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